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  • 1. CV-UK (100%)

    9-apr-2024 16.21.58

    ., Pirrotta A., 2017, " Approximate survival probability determination of hysteretic systems ... Determination of Survival Probability of Oscillators with Fractional Derivative Elements, Journal

  • 2. CV (100%)

    9-apr-2024 20.03.46

    con i professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer. -Visiting Professor presso il Politecnico di Vienna su invito dei Professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer (22 Aprile- 4 Maggio 2002). -Visiting Professor presso il Politecnico di Vienna su invito dei Professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer (27 Giugno- 4 Luglio 2005 ... per l’area 08 (Ingegneria civile ed Architettura), fascia dei professori associati dal 2007. -Membro Concorso

  • 3. Progetto PRIN ATTANASIO (86%)

    17-set-2019 20.22.36

    be briefly summarised in three groups: a) Survival (life course) methods. The (L-ANS) and the (L ... Statistics dec 2002- present Scientific interest: Surveys. Survival analysis. Metanalysis

  • 4. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (78%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 5. India Summer School 9-22 settembre 2017 (78%)

    12-feb-2017 18.31.37

    alle attività di organizzazioni internazionali come Survival International. Il progetto prevede

  • 6. Methodology (73%)

    17-set-2019 19.55.22

    Methodology attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, methodology The methods can be briefly summarised in three groups: Survival (life course) methods The (L-ANS) and the (L-ANS-ALM) databases will be suitable to apply statistical models for retrospective cohort settings, such as multilevel models, and multistate models in the presence of competing risks. In order to gain more insight into student history, we will explore the possibility of applying extended Cox Models and eventually methods

  • 7. Three_Late_Qing_Chinese_translations_of (63%)

    19-gen-2021 10.45.43

    arms for the purpose of survival, and incidentally to secure his companion Friday. The Dalu bao